Homeschooling changes with the seasons of the year. Browse our past newsletters for helpful stories and information!
Seven basic steps to make the process of starting out easier. While each child and family are different, there are general things that should be addressed in the beginning. From the Proverbialhomemaker.com
An inspiring article written by Sarah Mackenzie, author of "Homeschooling, Teaching From Rest", is written for mothers who might think
If you are a homeschooling mama who feels:
she isn’t doing a good enough job…
homeschooling doesn’t look like you thought it was supposed to…
it’s all more cumbersome and frustrating and far more joyless than you hoped…
you just aren’t living up to the expectations set out for you…
Some tips shared from a native Utah homeschooler to help you make your homeschool day at home enjoyable rather than miserable.
Great Homeschooling Books to Read
The Power of Natural Learning: A simple way to homeschool by Val Butler
The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education At Home by Susan Wise Bauer
Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell
Lists of resources to guide you in finding your homeschool options, online and private school options, funding options, and curriculum options.
What I Wish I'd Known When I Started Homeschooling
When you make the decision to homeschool, everything seems possible as well as impossible. Where to start? Well, we've all been there and we remember those feelings. Many Utah homeschool moms have created resource guides to help you begin.

Additional Reading
These are Utah homeschooler submitted articles and blogposts that have been helpful and are shared with the hope that they will help you, too, wherever you are in your homeschooling journey.